On the same day as we visited the St.Beatus Caves, we stopped on the way home on the outskirts of Thun, and went to a beautiful castle park Schadau. Otherwise, it is also named (according to the official website): “The Pearl of Lake Thun,” and probably not in vain, as you can see from following pictures.
But more than with the chateau itself we were more interested in typically “boyish” attraction, and that was the rides at the train pulled fully functional steam locomotive miniature. Needless to write, how excited was the male part of our family;)
Dovnitř do zámku jsme nešli, stačila nám procházka parkem. Nevěděla jsem, co obdivovat dřív – jestli záhony nádherných růží, jejichž velké květy neuvěřitelně voněly, anebo impozantní hory tyčící se nad jezerem. Jako již asi tradičně nám v mracích zůstaly skryty vrcholky “Velké trojky” (Jungfrau, Eigeru a Mönchu, resp. Panny, Obra a Mnicha), ale aspoň jsme hezky viděli “Pyramidu Švýcarska” – Niesen (foto s labutěmi).
We didn´t visit the castle interioriors, we only walked in the park. I did not know what to admire first – whether the beds of beautiful roses with their large flower which smelled incredibly nice, or the impressive mountains towering over the lake. As has traditionally peaks of the “Big Three” (Jungfrau, Eiger and Mönch, respectively Virgin, Giant and Monk) remained hidden in the clouds for us, but at least we saw nice “Pyramid of Switzerland” – Niesen (photo with swans).
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