My 2018 running goals

At the beginning of the year, I shared with you my blogging goals for this year. But devote my time not only to writing my blog. My second favorite thing is running. True, I’m not giving it much in winter, but now, with the advent of spring, I went back to training. And to keep the motivation to run, I´ve written a list of races I would like to participate this year.

The May Grand Prix von Bern is the first race to open the season, just like last year. The application has already been sent, now I am looking forward to getting my start number. The atmosphere at this race has come incredible, and I hope to experience it again. In June, I would like to stand at the start of an untried race in the nearby town of Wangen an der Aare. As the name of the place suggests, the track will lead partly along the Aare River, so it will be flat hopefully 😉 Running along the river I´ve experienced twice during the Emmenlauf. Last year the race didn´t turn out very well, but my sons already mentioned that they would like to participate again (as all the races have also this the category for children), so we will see.

What I´m definitely not going to miss, is the Thuner Stadtlauf, because this time it is held on my birthday. I hope I will enjoy it despite the crazy climbing the stairs to the castle! 🙂 And in September, there are two races in our neighborhood – one Burgdorfer Stadtlauf and the other in the surrounding woods – Burgdorfer Herbstlauf. And at the end of the season, I probably will repeat Langenthaler Stadtlauf. Although I have said that never more, I believe that this time I will register in the right category and this race will fix its reputation 😉

I’m really excited that most of these races I will be able to run only in a shirt and shorts (perhaps the weather will be merciful!). I admit that when the cold days came back for a while in March, I totally lost my appetite to run. I have just stopped having fun dressing up so many layers (my tips on how to dress for winter running you can find in this post). That’s why I hope the winter is gone, and I can put thermal shirts and warm sweatshirts on the bottom of the closet.

But even so, there is a need to go thoroughly through my running wardrobe. I´ll tell you, guys, this is no fun. I’m starting to have more running gear than “normal” wear. Especially for T-shirts. However, I found that I needed to add a new pair of tights to my running wardrobe. Literally, at the right moment, the Czech designer Terezka approached me if I didn´t want to try out the tights from her collection! Of course, I was happy to agree! It was love at first glance! (I mean with the tights, of course 🙂 ).

The tights have an original design in lush colors with a predominant raspberry (true the aquamarine, which is also on offer, would probably go better with my running shoes, but one just can have all 😉 ) and they really tempt you to run in them. However, since I do not always have the mood to run, I will not let the tights lie in the closet. Turning on YouTube and practicing yoga or some cardio at home – the tights are ideal also for these exercises – they do not press anywhere and have a pretty wide and comfortable waist hem.

As I have written, behind these tights (and other new pieces in my wardrobe;)), is the art/fashion designer Tereza Šťastná, who, under her brand By Terez, offers original colorful pieces and focuses on ethical and sustainable fashion. What you can imagine under these terms you will soon learn in an interview I’m preparing for you on the blog. Meanwhile, keep your fingers crossed for me not to lose running motivation 😀

Categories: Life, Running
EBIANUM Baggermuseum: climbing on the diggers allowed!
Hiking with kids: Holzweg Thal


Hana Hurábová

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