Bear is the traditional symbol of both the city and Canton Bern. It became a symbol when Duke Berchtold V., the founder of the city, caught the bear as the first animal in the surrounding woods in 1191. East of the old city of Bern, behind the bridge Nydeggbrücke, on the bank of river Aare, you can find “Bärenpark” with its three bear inhabitants.
In 2009 Bärenpark replaced the existing “Bärengraben” – so-called Bear Pit, which has become insufficient for three bear´s needs. In Bärenpark, situated on the hillside above the Aare river, can Finn, Björk, and Ursina freely run, climb, swim, play together or just relax.

When you watch the other side of Nydeggbrücke, you can see picturesque houses…
…and maybe you can meet me 🙂

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