My Top 10 posts in 2016

Those of you who read my blog from the beginning knows that I´ve already been publishing my posts for over 4 years. Before, they were more like a diary of random thoughts, but recently I´ve decided to give my blog a new direction and move it forward. I read countless materials and gradually I implemented small or large steps (either the content or visually), which you surely noticed. This improvement has certainly brought results because the blog attendance had significantly risen and finally the statistics are worth taking a closer look.
So in my today´s blog post you can find a list of the most successful posts of 2016.

Before you start reading: all headlines are clickable, so don´t hesitate to click on them 😉

1. Living abroad: 4 realities to know

2. DIY: Cute snowmen on skis

3. DIY: Fabric covered cork board

4. DIY: 10 Tips to get crafty with kids


5. Bärndütsch: Language guide for beginners


6. 6 reasons to take a cruise on Lake Thun

7. Hiking with kids: Lieselotte Trail

8. DIY: Montessori-inspired sound eggs

9. Our Holiday Diary, Part 6: St. Cyr sur Mer & Route des Crêtes

10. Family Guide to the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne

I´m happy that this list covers the post from all the niches that I´ve decided to focus on – both traveling and living in Switzerland, but also DIY post.
And what can you look forward to in the new year? As I wrote in my last post, I’m going to write a series of posts on various funny facts (oddities :)) of living in Switzerland. I also hope that there will be a lot of travel posts because I have a huge list of places I´d like to visit this year. And last but not least: lots of DIY tutorials – as last year was devoted to the Decoupage technique, this year´s main topic will be the burlap ribbon.
I hope my blog will bring a lot of joy and interesting reading for you and you´ll become loyal readers. And how? Simply fill in your email address in the upper right corner of this page. Thank you 🙂
I will appreciate any time if you share my posts on Facebook or Twitter. It helps get my blog out to more people, who may like my posts.


Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin, and Instagram.
And of course, I look forward to reading all your comments.
Categories: Blogging, Life
DIY: Montessori-inspired sound eggs
DIY: Framed ironing beads tutorial


Hana Hurábová

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