Since then doing arts and crafts has become a part of our familiy activities and I have discovered how much fun getting crafty with kids can be. But I also experienced a few situations that had taught me a lesson. And on their basis I have created this list of 10 (I hope useful) tips that can make your creating with kids easier.
- Cope with the fact that the preparation and subsequent cleaning takes more time than the work itself – the younger the child, the shorter attention can keep. This is related to the next point:
- Be prepared for that at any time a child may refuse to cooperate and any persuasions don´t help (also forget various threats right away, if you do not want the child to take the dislike of crafts).
- Don´t scold them, when the paint hit the floor or uncovered area. Rather use anything from a large piece of paper, a plastic tablecloth, to an old sheet to protect the craft area.
- Keep enough cleaning wipes on hand, especially when working with paint or glue. Actually keep cleaning wipes on hand all the time – in your bag when you go to the playground, in a backpack when going on the trip, in the car … it’s amazing invention!
- The ideal place to create is by a large dining table, which can accommodate children and all the necessary equipment (of course if you don´t have a white carpet underneath).
- While being outdoors, keep your eyes open and collect everything that comes to hand, especially in the fall. Be like squirrels, which are preparing themselves for the winter – collect pine cones, chestnuts, acorns, colorful leaves, interesting stones etc.
- Feel free to invest in paints, colored ice drop sticks, polystyrene balls, although you feel that you have enough of them – sometimes as when you find them.
- Don´t be afraid to use what you normally have at home: legumes, pasta, spices etc.
- When creating with children, pay attention only to them. Hands off the cell phone, tablet, laptop. The only exception is the camera to take pictures of the whole process and end product.
- Encourage and praise them, although the end product doesn´t look perfect in your eyes – it is important that it will be perfect in theirs. Even though it will seem that it is the messiest mess you’ve ever seen. For them, it might be the best work in the world!

…And most importantly: have fun! Time spend with your kids is worth it, because it is an experience you share together and you get cherished memories!
Maybe you are asking where I get inspiration for our projects. These are programs like Art Attack (according to which we made rockets or marbles), Pinterest of course (legume snails, mason jars lego heads, bubble wrap beehives), and finally my great sister who from time to time send me a link to interesting websites or photo of her sons´ craft, which we then try to copy (like the fruit of letters :))

PS: I thank our past and future visits for increased consumption of toilet paper! There is never enough of toilet paper rolls! 😀
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